2 Arkwright Road NW3 6AE
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Devonshire House’s commitment is to outstanding education, to help discover, inspire and develop pupils’ talents, from nursery age through to entry to Senior School.
Devonshire House inspires not only a love of learning, but a love of thinking for oneself and the strength and resilience to do so, to make the most of life and to help others along the journey. Pupils learn how to work hard for their own achievements and to work well with others, with understanding and co-operation.
The School has exceptional results, including for the senior schools to which, pupils have won thirty-six scholarships and exhibitions in the last three years. Each child is unique; we pride ourselves on bringing out individual talent. We fully prepare boys and girls for their 11+/13+ examinations and have an excellent track record in sending them to the most desirable schools in London and beyond. Pupils develop adaptable and creative minds for a changing world. There is an open, trusting dialogue with parents. The School is a very strong and vibrant community.
The School is fortunate in its premises, with spacious grounds, walled gardens, two onsite AstroTurfs and exceptional modern facilities.
Prospective parents are most welcome to visit the School.